"I have nothing to wear." This is a common fear during concert season when my favorite black dress is at the dry cleaners.
What are women supposed wear on stage? It's not as easy as tux or no tux.
There are all these rules. Tea length skirt or longer, nothing sleeveless, minimum 3/4 sleeves. (Heaven forbid we wear something that does not constrict us in playing our instrument.)
The harp adds more challenges - shoes we can pedal in (see previous Pedal Cam blog post), skirts that are so long or pants that are so flowy that they get caught in the pedals, sleeves so long that they muffle harmonics. And my added personal rule - nothing dowdy.
Finding a comfortable garment that meets all of those rules at the same time while remaining sophisticated is almost impossible. My favorite concert black dress that checks all the boxes I've had for about 14 years. I have yet to find a replacement I like as much to retire it to the back of the closet.
So I get it. I get why I see women on stage in black jeans and a black t-shirt. I will not judge you for that.
But let's face it - women's clothing has never in history been designed for comfort. And while I don't judge you for wearing a t-shirt on stage, I just can't seem to join you. For me, no matter how big or small the performance, the stage is my medium.
All the hours in the practice room culminate in a performance that is seen and heard by you. The performance is the painting, and whether I like it or not, I am the frame. I may not be Monet, but performing is my art and I will only frame it in the best.