For those who are not familiar with the pedals on a harp, I thought it would be fun to set up a Pedal Cam so you could see!
It's our job to make sure you don't know they're down there, so if this is the first you're hearing about it, it's ok! I'm doing my job. We are supposed to be like a duck- calm and floating from above, but pedaling quickly and silently under the water's surface.
The pedals allow us to change the pitch of certain strings. There are seven of them - one for each note in the scale - D, C, B, E, F, G, and A. Each pedal has three positions - flat, natural, and sharp. If the C pedal is in the natural position, all of the C's on the harp are natural. If I change the C pedal to sharp, all the C's become sharp.
So, unpleasant key signatures are not difficult- D flat major is no problem. But accidentals are when things become unpleasant for us. Any time the music deviates from the established key signature, we have to change pedals. The harp is a 4-limbed instrument.
That's the basic gist. Without further ado, here is a visual into our world below the water's surface of The Measure With Seven Pedal Changes! This was not meant for sound quality, so please disregard the tone.